IBM OpenPages GRC Services | GRC Consulting – iTechGRC

Bank Regulation and Supervision Increases in 2024: Regulators Announce New Proposals

2023 was indeed a poster year for disruptions. Evolving bank regulations and supervision will drive banking and financial services firms to tread consciously in 2024.   Let’s explore the latest banking and supervisory regulations impacting banking and financial institutions’ governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) agenda this year.   Basel III Endgame:   Post the 2009 financial catastrophe,… Continue reading Bank Regulation and Supervision Increases in 2024: Regulators Announce New Proposals

Does Your Firm Process PII or Sensitive Data? Learn About Data Protection Impact Assessment

Earning customers’ trust is paramount to business success. In today’s data and app-driven digital world, customer data is a currency for brands and businesses of all sizes.  Most organizations process the personal data of individuals on a large scale for business and profit benefits. Recently, many leading tech companies’ data processing activities came under regulatory… Continue reading Does Your Firm Process PII or Sensitive Data? Learn About Data Protection Impact Assessment

Make Room for 2024 GRC Trends: Experts Say GRC Solutions are the Way to Go!

Another tumultuous year ends. After enduring a ream of shocks, the idea that CEOs, CIOs, CROs, and compliance leaders worldwide have cracked the ‘survival code’ is wishful thinking. Most companies and their leaders must recalibrate strategies and business processes to face macroeconomic volatility and confidently embrace the AI boom in 2024.  Governance, risk, and compliance… Continue reading Make Room for 2024 GRC Trends: Experts Say GRC Solutions are the Way to Go!

Highlights from the COP28: The Future of ESG Reporting

Climate changes made sustainability the global catchphrase. However, the hope of reaching zero emissions and transitioning out of fossil fuels still stands reasonable and realistic. Recently, more than 2,400 individuals connected to fossil fuels registered for the 2023 United Nations Climate Change (COP28) in Dubai, UAE. The COP28 is one of the biggest global climate… Continue reading Highlights from the COP28: The Future of ESG Reporting

A Guide to Model Risk Governance

The world survived turmoil from geopolitical shifts, soaring inflation, great resignation, and three years of compounding crises from the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no escape for businesses across industries from the state of ‘permacrisis’ or extended periods of instability and insecurity. Most model-reliant businesses in banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) are predisposed to intermittent… Continue reading A Guide to Model Risk Governance

Keep Up with 2024’s Top Data Privacy Trends with OpenPages Data Privacy Management

Did you know last year, there were about 4,100+ data breaches, accounting for 22 billion publicly exposed records? Another research predicts that by the end of 2023, the global cost of cybersecurity would reach $10.5 trillion! It is evident that cybersecurity and privacy trends go hand in hand with technological innovations. At the dawn of… Continue reading Keep Up with 2024’s Top Data Privacy Trends with OpenPages Data Privacy Management

IBM Watsonx: An AI Value Creator for Accelerating Your Firm’s AI Governance (Part 2)

Previously, in our IBM Watsonx blog series, we explored the components within the IBM Watsonx and Watsonx.governance and the foundational aspects that make it a value-creator for exercising AI governance. In this blog, we examine IBM’s point of view on prioritizing AI ethics and what leaders should know about IBM’s commitment to building Responsible AI.… Continue reading IBM Watsonx: An AI Value Creator for Accelerating Your Firm’s AI Governance (Part 2)

IBM Watsonx: An AI Value Creator for Accelerating Your Firm’s AI Governance

Generative artificial intelligence, or GenAI, is now a global phenomenon. Leaders and decision-makers of enterprises creating this transformative technology strive to understand ways to govern, deploy, and ethically manage workflows and roles across the AI lifecycle. Enter IBM Watsonx, the next-gen AI and data platform to build meaningful and explainable AI. Tech leaders across industries… Continue reading IBM Watsonx: An AI Value Creator for Accelerating Your Firm’s AI Governance

IBM OpenPages Risk Management for ESG Helps Corporate Leaders Understand their Firm’s ESG Risks

IBM OpenPages with Watson is an integrated risk management platform built to help organizations stay on top of their ESG goals. Organizations whose board members and executive leadership are far behind in their grasp of ESG risks can leverage the tool to quickly adapt to the latest ESG reporting framework! The term environmental, social, and… Continue reading IBM OpenPages Risk Management for ESG Helps Corporate Leaders Understand their Firm’s ESG Risks

How Important is an ESG Score for BFSI Firms?

The rapid globalization and technological evolution over the last decade have led to a drastic increase in trade flows and per capita income among developed and developing nations. The macro impacts of these developments are evident in our environment, with the use of natural resources and climate change ultimately driving the urgency for collective sustainability… Continue reading How Important is an ESG Score for BFSI Firms?