iTechGRC utilizing IBM OpenPages Third-party Risk Management (TPRM) solution, reduces disruption to the compliance, brand, and operations due to a vendor’s inability to deliver. The solution helps protect confidential information shared with vendors and prevent misuse of direct access to network resources.
IBM OpenPages Third-party Risk Management helps create a centralized repository of third-party risks, including controls, KRIs, locations, and regulations. The solution provides configurable methodologies to assess and score third-party risks.
Provides insight into the state of risk across an organization with dynamic dashboards for business intelligence and decision support
Delivers a range of capabilities that helps cut the complexity in vendor-client relationships
Offers multiple reports such as vendor risk, performance scorecards, and heat maps that enable real-time tracking of vendor risk
Enables zero training by streamlining complex processes and actions for users with a task-focused user interface
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