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FTC Rules Protect Against GenAI-led Impersonations: Rule Finalizes to Protect Businesses, and Government from Scams

February 15, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) finalized the rules to address AI-enabled impersonation scams to protect consumers, government, and business entities.    Generative AI (GenAI) adoption spiked in 2022 with the release of OpenAI’s large language model (LLM)-based tool. The tool’s popularity and widespread adoption across businesses replaced many white-collar positions with AI,… Continue reading FTC Rules Protect Against GenAI-led Impersonations: Rule Finalizes to Protect Businesses, and Government from Scams

Bank Regulation and Supervision Increases in 2024: Regulators Announce New Proposals

2023 was indeed a poster year for disruptions. Evolving bank regulations and supervision will drive banking and financial services firms to tread consciously in 2024.   Let’s explore the latest banking and supervisory regulations impacting banking and financial institutions’ governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) agenda this year.   Basel III Endgame:   Post the 2009 financial catastrophe,… Continue reading Bank Regulation and Supervision Increases in 2024: Regulators Announce New Proposals