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Greenwashing, U.S. Elections, & Anti-ESG Movement: What’s Brewing in 2024

Events on the global regulatory front in 2023 turned environmental, social, and governance (ESG) into a serious boardroom agenda.  Concurrently, there are businesses playing along the sustainability lines by wrongfully claiming and marketing their products and practices as ‘sustainable’ and ‘eco-friendly’. The practice of misleading consumers with a make-believe sustainability posture to drive profits is… Continue reading Greenwashing, U.S. Elections, & Anti-ESG Movement: What’s Brewing in 2024

Final Rule Announced for SEC Climate-related Disclosures: What’s New in 2024

The world economy has reached a fair turning point after several long-drawn discussions about the impact of climate-related risks on investments. Recently, in the first week of March, the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) announced a final rule to enhance and standardize climate-related disclosure for investors. The new amendments to the SEC climate-related disclosure rule… Continue reading Final Rule Announced for SEC Climate-related Disclosures: What’s New in 2024