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5 Compliance Goals of Every Compliance and Risk Leader in 2024

Heightened expectations for transparency and accountability will keep compliance leaders on their toes throughout 2024. There are many storms to weather, thanks to  evolving regulations, environmental and climate concerns, as well as rapid tech advancements. Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) want to reiterate that getting too complacent is not in their vocabulary while working towards their… Continue reading 5 Compliance Goals of Every Compliance and Risk Leader in 2024

Plan Your Firm’s Data Governance Framework: New Trends Await in 2024!

2023 was indeed an insightful year for data owners and data processors. Effective data governance guarantees data integrity and drives better decision-making and business outcomes. During December 2023, the monthly data analysis from a global IT governance research study found nearly 1,351 publicly disclosed security incidents. They also found 2,241,916,765 records breached. By January 2024,… Continue reading Plan Your Firm’s Data Governance Framework: New Trends Await in 2024!