IBM OpenPages GRC Services | GRC Consulting – iTechGRC

IBM OpenPages Internal Audit Management

Efficiently plan, execute, and review audits with a cross-departmental view

Easily automate internal audit processes

iTechGRC utilizing IBM OpenPages Internal Audit Management (IAM) solution, automates internal audits and helps conduct broader risk and compliance management activities. The solution streamlines review and approval processes to reduce costs and increase efficiency. It allows auditors to focus more on the audit content.

IBM OpenPages Internal Audit Management enables collaborative workpaper management for higher quality and consistency. The solution helps to manage the audit scope and objectives.

Internal Audit Management

Key Features

Embedded workpaper workflows

The feature helps in managing workflow instances. It enables users to automate processes, initiate activities, assign tasks, and notify stakeholders. It facilitates auditors to meet deadlines and drive consistency.

One-click audit reports

The feature allows users to pull the desired data from the repository and present it in a graphical format with just a button click. Easy-to-digest information in the form of visuals helps auditors to plan and manage audits.

Audit close helper

The feature helps to automate the close audit process by providing readiness details for close status and all of the audit-related components. When all components are ready, this feature enables a Close Audit button that sets and clears field values and locks objects.

Why IBM OpenPages Internal Audit Management​

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Drives GRC adoption with zero training to help reduce the cost of maintaining multiple solutions

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Improves data quality and reduces knowledge gaps with AI and advanced analytics, building a business-ready analytics foundation


Empowers internal audit departments to master risk management, enabling them to act as a strategic partner

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Assists organizations to proactively plan and meet deadlines in an environment of fast-changing regulatory demands

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We are an IBM RegTech Partner for delivering OpenPages Internal Audit Management solution.

We can help you develop an integrated approach to risk management by enabling automation and visibility into the organizational risk posture.