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Why Your Enterprise Risk Management Software Should Incorporate Artificial Intelligence

In recent years, the business world has collectively honed its focus on risk management, with more and more companies realizing the importance of a well-developed risk management strategy. The reason for this shift is largely rooted in the COVID-19 pandemic, which prompted many companies to revise and re-examine their operations. Others are subject to stringent… Continue reading Why Your Enterprise Risk Management Software Should Incorporate Artificial Intelligence

How to Use Compliance Software to Make Your Business Stronger

Compliance software offers an extremely useful toolset, providing companies with the framework they need to achieve and maintain compliance, whether it is regulatory compliance or legal compliance. An increasing number of companies are turning to these software platforms as the collective awareness surrounding compliance increases beyond the most heavily-regulated fields such as health care and… Continue reading How to Use Compliance Software to Make Your Business Stronger

Why Risk Management Software is Critical to Business Growth

In a competitive, fast-paced business world, effective risk management is critical for growth and long-term success. This is true regardless of industry, business size or perceived vulnerability. But to see the maximum benefit, you need a comprehensive risk management strategy, along with the resources to implement mitigation measures. Enter: risk management software. The right risk… Continue reading Why Risk Management Software is Critical to Business Growth

GRC Software Pricing – Everything You Need to Know

  As governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) becomes an increasingly prominent part of many companies’ overall business strategy, more organizations are seeking out tools to aid in their efforts. Enter: GRC software systems. GRC software can successfully streamline and centralize a company’s GRC-related efforts, providing a wide variety of useful features, tools, and functionalities.… Continue reading GRC Software Pricing – Everything You Need to Know

GRC Decisions That Are Guaranteed to Backfire

  An increasing number of companies are integrating governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) principles into their overarching business strategies. But many organizations lack real practical experience when it comes to implementing a GRC framework, resulting in the potential for some major snafus. Unfortunately, many organizations underestimate the complexity of GRC frameworks. Let’s explore a… Continue reading GRC Decisions That Are Guaranteed to Backfire

How GRC Solutions Make Your Business More Profitable

Recent years have seen an increased focus on GRC — governance, risk management, and compliance — outside of the enterprise arena. Small businesses and midsize companies are also beginning to integrate GRC frameworks as part of their overall business plan. The reason: when implemented properly, GRC principles hold the potential to increase profits and reduce… Continue reading How GRC Solutions Make Your Business More Profitable

Why Cybersecurity Relies on GRC Best Practices?

Keeping our digital information safe has become a big challenge today. According to a report on cybersecurity, cybercrime could cost us a mind-boggling $9.5 trillion by 2024, soaring even higher to over $10.5 trillion in 2025.  Source:  ITGovernance  The exact number of daily cyberattacks is hard to determine, as not all incidents are reported. It is… Continue reading Why Cybersecurity Relies on GRC Best Practices?

When to Start Looking for GRC Companies?

Increasingly, companies of all sizes and in all industries are actively addressing issues of governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC). With a company’s reputation in the balance and potentially-hefty fines and penalties at stake, it should come as no surprise that business leaders are paying greater attention to these important issues. GRC can impact virtually… Continue reading When to Start Looking for GRC Companies?

ESG vs Sustainability

  Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in corporate eco-consciousness — a trend that has been mirrored at virtually every level of society as well. The data supports this idea too. According to an October 2021 study, 69% of respondents said they were actively doing everything within their control to minimize their carbon footprint.… Continue reading ESG vs Sustainability

Understanding Enterprise Governance Risk and Compliance

Enterprise governance risk and compliance is — or should — be a major concern for organizations in all business sectors. Forbes called the 2021 jump in cybercrime “alarming,” with data breaches surpassing the prior year’s figure by October 2021. Meanwhile, The Insurance Journal reported that cybercriminals took in over $1.3 billion in “ransoms,” with 2021’s… Continue reading Understanding Enterprise Governance Risk and Compliance