IBM OpenPages GRC Services | GRC Consulting – iTechGRC

IBM OpenPages Business Continuity Management

Safeguard Your Employees Amidst Unforeseen Disruptions For Business Continuity

Implement a standardized approach to Business Continuity

iTech utilizes OpenPages Business Continuity Management to equip organizations to maintain operations and safeguard employees during disruptive events. Consolidate business continuity data into a centralized location for implementing a standardized approach across the enterprise. Users can visualize data relationships, identify dependencies, and access information swiftly.

Business continuity management

Key Features

Standardizes business continuity data

Having a unified location for business continuity data allows managers to access current data for conducting business impact analyses and formulating plans. Leveraging OpenPages object model, users can integrate with other product modules. Role-based permissions ensure that users have access to the relevant records for seamless business continuity implementation.

Automates business plan development

Adopt a uniform approach to business continuity management with the aid of views and workflows. Assign tasks to designated users for performing business impact analyses and devising business continuity plans. Enhance efficiency with automated population of fields within the workflow and guidance for assisting users in executing tasks

Continuous testing

Facilitates scheduled testing and iterative enhancements to plans and business impact analyses. Employ issue management capabilities to track lessons learned from testing and improve business continuity plan implementation.

Why IBM OpenPages Risk Management for Business Continuity Management

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Reduces compliance costs and delivers business value from an integrated GRC platform

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Consolidates data related to business continuity management into a single location and facilitates the implementation of a standardized approach


Helps users identify dependencies and swiftly access information by visualizing data relationships

grc implementation services

Enhances consistency across business units with out-of-the-box views and workflows that can be modified via the user interface by administrators

Interested in harnessing the AI capabilities of IBM OpenPages to meet your GRC requirements?

Our GRC experts can help you make the most of IBM OpenPages capabilities


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We are an IBM RegTech Partner for delivering OpenPages Business Continuity Management solution.

We can help you develop a centralized repository of risk-related information and automate the entire risk management lifecycle.